Title: Stoneman's Joint
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/stoneman.zip
Size: 106.29 KB
Date: 08/03/95
Author: Bill Collins
Description: DEATHMATCH !!!! This is designed for deathmatch only . There are monsters in the wad but they are also placed with deathmatch in mind . It can be played single player but there would be no purpose other than for firing practice. I tried to make an evil cross between levels one and seven
Credits: Jimmy Sieben for answering the questions I had and for the willingness to die so often in testing ;) I would never have finished as painlessly as I did without you . Also a big thanx to Warren Rice for sequencing the "Head Like a Hole" track and to Dan Teeter whose wad Surreal2.wad I borrowed it from . I would have used an original tune but this one fit the theme so well
Base: Dont want to say and you wouldn't believe
Build time: Read above and apply it here
Editor(s) used: DCK ( it may or may not be the best . It is just the one I decided to use . I would like to say that it was not to diffucult to learn on and gave me little problems
Bugs: The doors seem to roll up since the wad has a sky texture . I thought it looked bearable and it doesnt detract from general aesthetics much at all . One other problem I did encounter was in making the top portion of my window show a wall texture to create a window to the sky . The result looks cool anyway and may/may not have hit you as unintentional. If anyone would care to e-mail me a remedy I would appreciate it . All in all I consider this wad heads above the average first-timer . I would never have released it if I didnt honestly think it rocked .
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