Title: 4-Corners, Labrynth, Fragathon, Volcano
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/stvdm.zip
Size: 66.29 KB
Date: 10/24/05
Author: Steve Wilson
Description: Description of Level 1 : A square layout, with high corners and 4 side rooms. You will love this level if you like specters and invulnerability. When playing deathmatch, watch out for players who like to stakeout.

Its appearance ranks a 6.

Try starting with just the pistol and see how far you can get. On Ultraviolence, it ranks a 4 for hardness.

A fun level for 1-player or co-op, lots of fun for deathmatch.

Description of Level 2 : A 3-tiered level with many criss-crossing hallways. Plenty of running and everyone keeps falling into the center room. Can you get the Megasphere?

Its appearance ranks a 7.

Try starting with just the pistol and see how far you can get. On Ultraviolence, it ranks a 5 for hardness. I can do it with 3 100%'s and 200%-200% health and armor in about 15 minutes.

A fun level for 1-player or co-op, lots of fun for deathmatch.

Description of Level 3 : A long walkway with weapons on ledges at the ends. Once you walk off the ledge, you can't go back or hide. A simple level with the most effective, frag filled deathmatch action I've ever seen. It's easy to rack up 400 frags in an hour. And expect lots of negative frags - once you fall off the walkway, you're a gonner - but don't worry, everyone's falling off. This level is guaranteed to teach you how to use and dodge the BFG.

Its appearance ranks a 3, but it's one of the best deathmatch levels I've ever played.

Unfortunately, this level is not a playable one player level - you just get to look, and then hit the end switch.

An interesting level for co-op, one of the best deathmatch levels of all time!!!

Description of Level 4 : A small square room with lava in the center. You get to use the Chaingun and BFG, which do you think is better? You'll be surprised!

Its appearance ranks a 5.

This is a playable 1-player level, but it's very short and simple. Can you find the exit?

A short level for 1-player or co-op, lots of fun for deathmatch.
Credits: My family and girlfriend for their patience.
Al Howe and Billy "Blaze" Price for helping me playtest these and all my other levels.
All the authors for all the editors and other utilities I used for creation.
Everyone at Id Software for allowing people like me to create my own world! Not to mention a great game!
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 1-2 weeks for Map01
1-2 months for Map02
1-2 hours for Map03
1-2 hours for Map04
Editor(s) used: DoomEd for most of the work
DMapEdit for everything else
Bugs: None :)
Rating: (2 votes)
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Ca commence bien avec la map 1 et la map 2 mais ca ce gache apres pour la 3e et la 4e. J'ai reussi apres 5 vies - 4/5 - Eye'sx

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