Title: The Termination
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/term.zip
Size: 339.05 KB
Date: 03/10/96
Author: Polymorph (a.k.a. Michael Stephens)
Description: The Termination is made up of two killer Deathmatch levels that have taken a VERY long time to build and I guarantee that you will be very well rewarded. Both levels have new music and some new textures thrown in too! The first map ("All Boxed In") is a warehouse type atmosphere with heaps of boxes and things to hide behind. The end of level switch is in a hidden room (along with plenty of ammo!). The second map ("Judgement Day") is a fairly large level with heaps of good vantage points, heaps of teleporters, quite a few baddies, and a number of hidden crafty traps (see the demo's to find out where the hidden traps lie). Also, the rocket launcher IS GETTABLE!! (see the demo's). The end of level switch is quite well hidden so keep yer eyes peeled!
Credits: Renaud Paquay (the author of WinDEU). Robert Fenske (the author of WARM). Olivier Montanuy (the author of WinTex). Glen Thoroughgood & Richard Lacey for playtesting.
Base: Map 1 uses WAREHOUS.WAD as a base (thanx goes out to the author - I've forgotten who you are ;-) ) Map 2 is from scratch!!
Build time: A VERY, VERY, VERY, LONG TIME!!!
Editor(s) used: Editors: WinDEU 5.24, DoomEd 4.20 Nodes WARM 1.4 Reject WARM 1.4 Music WinTex 4.0 Graphix: WinTex 4.0, ENDOOM
Bugs: None (as yet :-) lemme know if ya find any tho!)
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