Title: Doom II - GangUp
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gang.zip
Size: 106.64 KB
Date: 12/24/03
Author: Doria Biddle
Description: Sometimes it's better not to stand and fight. Sometimes it's a better idea to run like hell. At various points throughout this level, you'll have to choose when to fight and when to run. Choose well.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCad
Bugs: After you open the yellow key door, you end up in an open area. For some reason, at a certain angle, things disappear for a flash, only to reappear. I gave up trying to fix this. If you have suggestions, let me know, otherwise just consider it an added challenge.
Rating: (15 votes)
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Quite poor map layout, no ambiance, a zillion of technical errors and horrible gameplay makes this a rather bad map, even for 1995 standards. Small 1* for the effort.x
Actually from September 1995, and not December 2003. This is very poor and made me embarrassed to be a woman. The gameplay is full of frustratingly glitchy switch/trigger line puzzles that are irritating rather than intriguing.x
Very well put together level. Very tricksy. You'll need to use that map though!x
The map can be completed, and I don't recall any places where you can get stuck. It's quite difficult though.x
hees rite its plaged by erors x
This level is plagued with errors and gameplay issues. Do yourself a favor, skip this one.x

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