Title: Gatika
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gatika.zip
Size: 15.67 KB
Date: 09/09/02
Author: Kara C. Rader
Description: I got tired of playing with the Cajun bots on co-op because they acted like complete morons. So I made an arena-type level and they seem to actually run around it well. I don't suggest playing this on single player.
Base: Started from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Registered DeePsea, the best editor I've ever come across.
Bugs: None. If anyone finds any bugs, be sure and tell me where you were and what you were doing when it happened.
Rating: (3 votes)
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There's no armor or health. I played with MBF dogs that got killed early on, then finished up alone with the big guns. Interesting concept.x
good slaughter map but as author said its too cruel for single playerx
well.. i wood give it a 1 but this is maid for cajun bots and the bots seem to do prity well on it so it gets a 3 because it serves its perpus x

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