Title: Gehenna
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gehenna.zip
Size: 454.79 KB
Date: 02/08/96
Author: MacDuff Knox
Description: You enter into a short, high ceilinged corridor, you can hear breathing all around. They are everywhere! Just in front of you is a sergeant, stationed to guard the entrance to this otherwordly redoubt, but at the moment he is facing the other way, no doubt bored guarding an entrance which he knows no sane being would ever use. You must be careful killing him though, a missed shot could set off the barrels lining the wall and bring the whole place down on you. You take a deep breath and step up behind him. Grabbing his head you twist quickly, snapping his neck, and maintaining the silence you know you need, but you didn't take into account the heavy shotgun which slipped from his nerveless fingers. A loud clang rings over the background of monstrous breathing. A sudden silence ... then ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.
Credits: Steve Coulber and Mark Brownell for play testing, and of course ID for QUAKE!!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: winDEU, BSP1.2, WARM
Bugs: in the tower of gehenna you sometimes get the >256 planes hall of mirrors. I have crashed once in canyon of gehenna in the cathedral from visplane overload.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Five levels dated July 1995 (maps 26-30). They generally look unspectacular but have lots of baddies. Map26 is a fun castle that feels very old but amused me for five minutes; Map27 is an awful, maze-like canyon that has far too many distant hitscan baddies; Map28 is a very old-fashioned techbase, like hundreds of others; Map29 is a lava dungeon, also marred by hitscan baddies and eau du maze; Map30 is an arena spawn battle.x
pretty good gameplay, but some of these look really bad. *** -sargebaldyx
Pretty good.x

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