Title: GLADIATOR v2.2
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gldtr22.zip
Size: 151.01 KB
Date: 08/05/95
Description: You've done your job -- you saved mankind for what seems like the millionth time, and for what? Sure, you get a few thousand dollars, but the thing you need right now is some good old fashioned R & R. With your money, you purchase a room at the Holiday Hotel and pay the clerk. You take your key, go to your room, and right as you're about to insert it, you're not at the hotel anymore. You've been teleported, but where?

There's no time to think about it. Cacodemons, demons, imps, and even your old friend Mancubus are all going to make you feel sorry you ever came here, even if it was against your will. You look around; a double barreled shotgun. A big grin creeps across your face. You grab it, put on the radiation suit nearby and show those imps who's boss. You turn around and walk forward, until you come to the end. You keep going, fall, run to escape the fiery coals, and find yourself looking at a giant arena surrounded by red torches where cyber demons and spider bosses fight it out to the death.

It is the year 2012, and where these guys come from, that's when their `Olympics' are held. Only these aren't the usual Olympics; this is an all-out war where the populous send out their finest warriors to battle it out in a vicious fight to the death. You've intruded on their little game, and now they're sending their body guards to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Credits: -ADMiRAL and SONiC (the Un-Naturals) for DEU2C
-The creators of DeeP, a DEU-based level editor
-Clint Russell for the T2 theme (from !CSRE2M1.WAD)
-The creators of DDT, the Doom Development Toolkit
-The contributors to the Doom Level Design FAQ,
-Olivier Montanuy and HevKev for DEUTEX 3.1
-The author of the Beginner's Guide to DEU
-The original team behind the original DEU
-Ben Morris, for the Doom Construction Kit
-Steve McCrea, for tips from Trinity WAD
-Colin Reed, for his wonderful BSP 1.2x
-Bill Neisius for the Doom Music Editor
-Other Doom WAD authors for inspiration
-ID software for such an awesome game
Base: New level from scratch/previous Gladiator versions
Build time: Hours upon hours (somewhere around 80-110)
Editor(s) used: DEU2C (by the ADMiRAL and SONiC, the Un-Naturals), The Doom Developers Toolkit v1.0 BETA, BSP 1.2x, DeeP (and DeePBSP) v6.13a, DCK 2.0, The Doom Music Editor v1.0 by Bill Neisius, DEUTEX v3.1 (Doom Editor Utility Texture Editor) by Olivier Montanuy/docs by HevKev (Kevin McGrail)
Bugs: Occasionally torches don't show up until you're very close; ceiling anomalies; minor TFE. Clipping problems (aka HOM -- Hall of Mirrors) are now virtually nonexistant; it took a while, but they seem to be gone everywhere but occasionally by the 1st teleport zone. Nothing really major.
Rating: (7 votes)
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its so disorganized in terms of layout and design,that even unintentionally you can skip more than half of monsters and map.authors try to create slaughter map i guess didn't succeed...i love T2 midi though...x
I liked it - it's playable, and the single cyber fight after the lift was kinda trickyx
This comes with an enormously bloated 7,000-word (!) readme which has a long section of level design tips. It's hilarious, because the level is so awful, unbelievably awful. The author greatly overestimated his talents. It's a big mess, with loads of cyberdemons and spider masterminds set up to fight each other, loads of power-ups sitting around randomly, random textures, hand-drawn rooms. Zero stars for the level, five stars for the comedy.x
It's not too good, but I've played much worse wads.x
in a figet between dave shipel and galiger.. who do you think wood win?....OH yes the wad.. it sucks.. 0/5 x

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