Title: GSTONE1
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gstone1.zip
Size: 9.41 KB
Date: 02/23/96
Author: Paul Burke
Description: You are trapped in a bad authors wad! He is too lazy to change some of the textures. The monotone look drives you crazy! You must finish this level and never play this lazy authors wad again!
Credits: ID Games for the cool games and ftp.cdrom.com for the editors and stuff.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 22
Bugs: Dono, tell me if there is
Rating: (3 votes)
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Cool '96 mapx
An early mock wad, this is basically a lot of square rooms one after the other, with uniformly green stone textures. It's actually quite fun on a shallow level, as simple carnage, because you get attacked by lots of monsters, but it wears off very quickly. Better than I expected, but you'll finish it in four minutes or so and forget it.x
Hmm. As you would expect from the text file, this PWAD doesn't have much at all to offer in the looks department. It has a little playability though. I would give this 1.5 but since there are no half ratings, I guess I'll give it 1. Ok if you're bored/obsessive PWAD collecter.x

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