Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hartfrd3.zip
Size: 31.39 KB
Date: 05/09/99
Author: Jim Donovan
Description: DOOM II PWAD, for those of you who like huge open spaces
Credits: Matthew Ayres for his wonderful WADED program! Id Software (of course).
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED ver. 1.81b
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (4 votes)
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very poor gameplay...crude design and mechanics..some efforts are there but not impressively executed x
Lol, huge open spaces indeed. Maybe a bit too huge? The faraway walls look funny with low resolution and the difficulty is obviously very low with so much space for maneuvers (beware of the arch-vile though). Kinda crappy but at least unique I guess and it was sort of entertaining to look for the keys.x
This map is the devil.x
This is from March 1995. It's Map01. It's basically a single giant enclosed room with a ledge around the outside. There's a moat, some lifts, and a courtyard in the middle. 38 baddies. It's mind-numbingly tedious to walk around (it takes a couple of minutes to go from one end of the level to the other, and it's designed so that you have to walk around and around the perimeter) and it's less fun to play than fighting 38 random monsters in a blank bare room.x

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