Title: Haslam's Book Store of Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/haslams2.zip
Size: 149.42 KB
Date: 03/03/06
Author: Andrew Haslam
Description: A Doom2 wad so close to our store that after playing it a few times you may be a little nervous while walking through the real store. You might feel a little DEU ja va, that feeling that you've shot up this room before.
Credits: WinDEU, what a great editor! Wad1to2, Thanks again, Tracy!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU
Bugs: None
Rating: (9 votes)
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This is dated February 2006, although it's actually from 1997. It's one of a handful of old wads where the website is still around and still being updated, although it no longer mentions Doom. As for the level, you slaughter 284 mostly weak baddies in a miniature town-style map - really just two buildings in a field. It's incredibly simplistic but also therapeutic simply because you get a chance to mow down hundreds of weak baddies.x
I guess it's ok. It's basically a pretty big bookstore(?) with a handful of baddies. Kids, reading hurts your eyes, don't do it!x
i like the wad but if i see you on the street ill ha-slam your facex
i visit florida often, and if i stopped by the store i would probably bring a plasma rifle.x
it looks good and plays well too 4/5x
pepole may struggle when trying to find the blue key but other thain that it was prity fun 3/5x

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