Title: Haunted Helipad v1.1
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hauntedheli.zip
Size: 248.87 KB
Date: 11/20/22
Author: Bitchass McGrass
Description: It's been a year since hell has invaded earth. You were picked up and shot to another planet to escape, and for humanity to rebuild on the surrounded planets and their moons. As a former UAC marine, your job is to fight back against these ugly freaks and keep humanity safe.

You just heard that one of the transportation bases on your planet has just been overwhelmed by a demonic presence. Just another Tuesday for you.

One of the scientists rushes down to the maintenance room to open the only slipgate on site for you. He opens it, before opening a door to escape. You hear screams over the radio, before everything cuts out. Too bad, I liked Jerry. Rest in piece buddy.

Pistol gripped firmly in your hand and walkman blasting your mixtape, you walk through the slipgate, being teleported to the heliport, ready to kick possessed asses, cause insane amounts of property damage, and get the hell out of there, for the good of humanity.

My first official single player map, vanilla compatible.
Credits: Freemidi for music files, Doom 64/PS1 and Evil Dead 2 for sound effects.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Too long (Like maybe a month making the original wad, and a week converting this map to be vanilla compatible)
Editor(s) used: Slade 3
Bugs: Very slight graphic errors with some textures. Not sure how to fix these, but 98% of the texture is still intact, so I don't think it's too bad.
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