Title: Halls of Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hellhall.zip
Size: 150.26 KB
Date: 02/21/98
Author: Raymond Schmitz
Description: A bunch of halls & bridges. Be lucky if you can survive!
Base: New levels from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK ver.1.2, Wintex ver.4.3
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)
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Getsu Fune
this is pretty fun, catwalks aren't that bad either.x
I loathe Catwalk style or ledge-base maps but these kind of maps were ledges aren't narrow are exception...gameplay is very solid here and visual are delicate too..nice execution makes both maps enjoyable... x
fuckin cool '97 wadx
This is dated March 1997. Map01 is pretty good; a hectic, cramped slime castle that throws you straight into peril. Has an air of E4 about it. Mellows as it goes on. Map02 similar, starts with a hectic beginning but keeps you on your toes throughout. They both look really good - the catwalks are the only irritating thing - and I'm surprised (a) they only have one vote (b) it's 1/5. Deserves a lot more.x

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