Title: Henry (temporary name)
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/henry.zip
Size: 107.19 KB
Date: 05/12/06
Author: Premysl Vincenzo Jedlicka
Description: Now, it's the time to show you one WAD file for DOOM 2 with temporary name Henry. There are made maps number 1,2,3,4,7 and 8. Especially map #4 is violent because there are hordes of enemies. (I recommend not to play it on slow machines!) If someone send me a LMP showing how he cleared this level on Ultra violence with only pistol on the beginning, he would be awarded by testimonial of honor.
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (6 votes)
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This is a legendary Czech 6-level wad. The main point of interest is map04, with its rather large monster population and brutal battles. I recall the author at some point offering a beer to anyone who could record a UV Max, but that got reduced to a testimonial of honour - maybe he had visions of a whole bunch of Czech Doomers turning up on his doorstep to demand their beers. The other maps are something of a mixed bag, in some cases looking like early creations, though by no means incompetent ones.x
It's great, map04 in particular.x
0, nuff said, dont you eaven think about playing this mess...x

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