Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hippie1b.zip
Size: 21.89 KB
Date: 02/02/95
Author: Jim Davis
Description: (| Same as HIPPIE1.WAD, but converted for Doom ][ |)

A few big rooms, a few small rooms, and some tunnels. Lots of wide open spaces, and some good ambush-points. I'd like to see it for team play.

Basically, this wad was created while showing a friend how to use DEU. I think it makes a dandy Deathmatch wad, although it's only been tested with two players. At the hardest level, it's got two cyberdemons. The middle levels have a cacodemon or two and a spiderdemon. The easisiest level is best for using `-respawn', as it only has one imp, some troopers, and some sergents.

Weapon-wise, it's got one of each weapon, except the chainsaw. The BFG is stuck on a small ledge behind a cyberdemon, so it's not all that accessable... I've heard that big monsters and BFGs only ruin a level, but I feel that this one works.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 10 Hours?
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, RMB2.0, DM2CNV16
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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