Title: Half-life
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hl_op.zip
Size: 27.48 KB
Date: 11/01/01
Author: Doug 'Opulent' Merrill
Description: This was for Metabolist's Wad contest. This was rejected. :) Personally, I think it is a fun map that very weakly imitates a half-life episode. (the theme of that week's contest was to create a map that had an infestation of a base level)
Credits: Sam "Metabolist" Woodman and all the people who recorded demos on my maps. :) thanks.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: about 7 hours in 2 days.
Editor(s) used: DCK. (for some reason, Sam thinks I use DeepSea.)
Bugs: Map is ugly.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Layout consists of a number of rectangular corridors and rooms, filled with some low-tier monsters. Only a few textures have been used. Ambiance feels like a 1994 Wolfenstein-goes-Doo M map, and gameplay is primitive and unattractive. Blind red doors are a poor joke. It's clear why this map was rejected.x
Not super duper bad, but also nothing really special going on. I like how all the items are in seperate rooms instead of lying on the floor randomly. 3/5 - Zedekx
This is from October 2001. It does just about resemble the early parts of Half-Life that were set in an office building - the problem is that without the sounds, lighting, monsters, atmosphere etc of Half-Life it looks very bare and simple and 1995. Simple gameplay, lots of hitscan monsters equals frustration. Two yellow keycards near the start, lots of red key doors but no red key (you don't need it anyway), the boss battle involves about seventy imps.x
that was ok. nothing really special about it. also, i dont think that was like a half-life episode.x

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