Title: House for Doom2 v1.9
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/house1.zip
Size: 179 KB
Date: 02/14/97
Author: Brent Nicorvo
Description: You are in your space ship when you get a distress call saying that your buddies turned against you! You must put an end to this, but it won't be easy because they're overpowering you with chainguns, plasma guns, and even BFG's!!
Credits: Greg Lewis for DMARMY3.DEH
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deep, DeHacked- also used Greg Lewis's DMARMY.DEH, Wintex
Bugs: Nope!
Rating: (6 votes)
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I guessed I missed the fun cuz this was pretty boring. Just a house, and those always kinda suck.x
Good wad. Brings back a lot of fond memories of all the times I've had to kill all of *my* friends.x
It's nice, but a bit uneven as the BFG guys pose a far bigger threat than anything else.x
Tough, exciting wad from start to finish. Just lovely.x

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