Title: Houses 1.4
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/houses14.zip
Size: 637.02 KB
Date: 10/22/95
Author: Michael Lundy
Description: A ten-level collection of houses. I have fixed everything enough to please myself, the perfectionist.
Credits: Noah Haskel for MYHOUSE
Nye Liu & Daniel Bondurant for PPALACE
Colin L. Kurfess for KURFHSE.WAD
Dave Swift for MUD3
Tom Walz for BLOTWALZ
Luis Gerardo Reyes Vega for STA_ROSA
Matthew Driver for TOWNHOUS
Steven Doornbos for HOUSE
Zink the Dink for EnDOOMer 1.0.1
OSCS for NeoPaint 2.2
Mark Klem for CRINGE
Chris Hill for A41_MUS
Angelito So for VAMUS1
Florian Helmberger for ZWIEBACK
The Avatar for DMF
Sebastian Bacquet for SPECS (in IIE)
The Innocent Crew for OBTIC11
LucasArts for Dark Forces (Pre)
The Byte Brothers for B&B DOOM
Steve McCrea for TRINITY(2)
Mark Cooke for KEWLIO

...and the unknown authors of:


I credit anything else to the authors of the software, WAD, etc., that I heppened to have used.
Base: Modified WADs
Build time: There has been many updates of this, so I wouldn't know. Estimating from the looks of the WAD, it looks like it would take a maximum of 2 solid months.
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.0.11, Deutex 3.6, EnDOOMer 1.0.1, DEU 5.21, ADE2 5.25, NeoPaint 2.2, UnGOB.
Bugs: None.
Rating: (2 votes)
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the year is now 2011.some idiot made a very, very bad wad inspired by your wad.houses1.4.if you ever read this, tell that guy to quit.his wad sucks!5/7/11x
This is a pair of early levels that were based on the author's dream house. There were a lot of similar levels at the time. These two illustrate why it was a dead end; all the effort has gone on modelling bathrooms and toilets and sinks and televisions, but the gameplay is awful because the houses are made of tiny pokey square rooms with usually one entrance and exit. There's no room to dodge. Deathmatch would be frustrating as heck.x

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