Title: Immortal (aka "the other one")
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/imm0rtal.zip
Size: 1.5 MB
Date: 12/31/23
Author: [~]
Description: 'Immortal' is a vanilla-flavored three-piece DII construe fashioned within strict limits.

Befalls in an alt timeline, where, upon doomguy's arrival on Dis -to put an end to all hellish matters- things, however, takes a different turn. For not a bout is about to happen but a summon - right onto the bowels of the Spiderdemon's domains. Realms these that're overseen by relentless, undying Hell Knights. That's it... end of story!(?) Go ahead dauntlessly! Make rapid progres!

Features; lots of DHE subterfuges, rather amateurish custom textures, fiercely biased set-ups and a few other idiosyncrasies.

Balanced for skill 4 w/ pistol-start(ing) in mind. On lesser difficulties not a thing changes except for a switcheroo between the plasma gun and its 9000 counterpart.

Also, take notice that, perhaps, due to years of rusting (or just very poor taste) some switches don't seem to react on press. If such happens, try shooting instead.
Credits: * Gfx 'n stuff * /titlepic art by BoJustBo /shotty sprites by Mike12 /custom monsters 'n sprites from Realm667 /fleshy + boney decorations from Realm667 /hi-tech decorations from Strife (also, contains sum UDoom stuff)

* MIDIs * /title: from Abuse /intermission: from Abuse /Map #01: from Abuse /Map #02: from System Shock /Map #03: from Earthworm Jim 2 (sound fx from Strife, as well)

* Misc * /overall gimmick was inspired by a now delisted arena-shooter vidya called 'God Mode', specifically on a modifier where one (or a team) must survive a given wave dealing with an indestructible minotaur harassin'em /fast-fisting trait + rapid-fire-imbued-shotgun directly based upon 'Bourgeois' megawad
Base: scratch from New
Build time: Q4.2021 ~ Q4.2023
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE, WhackEd4, midi3mus, Paint
Bugs: *(mayhaps) vissprites on a portion of Map #02 *(factual) savegame buffer overflow on Map #02 *chance of Immortals being stuck at doors and/or teleporters (what can I say? They're invincible but not unstoppable) *assumably, few visplane overflow spots here'n there, which, for all intents and purposes, are (totally) a pivotal part of the experience, thus, deliberately justifiable to be extant ;^) *prolly visual glitches when one uses unorthodox renderers (I'm too much of a purist now to count such as a bug, still, there you go)
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