Title: Templ2_0.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/insanit2.zip
Size: 291.73 KB
Date: 07/27/03
Author: Alex Mayberry
Description: This is a major revision to a level that I created long ago. I always felt that it was a good level, but at the time it was originally constructed, my skills were a bit lacking. Let's just say that the level was designed too early in my career as a WAD builder. Recently I reviewed the original work, and decided to breathe some new life into it. Now that it's complete, I believe that I've finally succeeded in making this level what it was meant to be.

This level is set in an ancient temple, which lies long forgotten in the heart of a remote jungle. You, as the adventurer, have discovered this ancient edifice. Long thought to be just a myth, you enter the temple with visions of treasure and wealth. What you soon discover is that although this place was forgotten by civilization long ago, it was not abandoned.
Base: Scratch.
Build time: Many hours.
Editor(s) used: Waded (originally), DETH, BSP13X, DEUTEX, RMB, PAINTSHOP PRO, MIDI 2 MUS
Bugs: None.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Excellent Map..very atmospheric and fun to explore ruin castle ..visuals,detailing, design and lightning are brilliantly done ...all the words used in story/description would seems relate-able while playing it...combats r bit weak due to lot of health and ammo...but its in secret areas and according to storyline..x

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