Title: Interment
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/intrmnt.zip
Size: 130.85 KB
Date: 11/27/21
Author: Stein Krauz
Description: My first (and only) Doom map. Just a sequence of rooms and fields with some tricks and secrets, without any goal or a plot.

This map was originally built somewhere in 1996, then abandoned for some time. In 1997 a second attempt was made, the parts after the garden were added. But map ideas were too complex for me and after struggling for some time I'd dropped it completely. The unfinished map was put on my BBS and on my local FTP-server. Recently I've stumbled upon the archive with the wad, fixed some broken things, and implemented a few ideas I could still remember.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 3 months
Editor(s) used: A DOS editor, UDB, Eureka
Bugs: Some wrong textures here and there. Haven't got enough patience to clean all of them up
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