Title: I Put Effort Into This Wad
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/ipeitw.zip
Size: 1.76 KB
Date: 05/11/14
Author: Typical Doom Mapper
Description: The reason why we don't reject 1994 styled wads is because the people who actually made them put effort into them. It isn't fair to the authors to remove old files that were made/uploaded from the 90's all because the "style" isn't all that great. I'd rather download a 1994 wad than a terry wad. ~ Doomguy93
Credits: Doomworld for its extraordinary reasoning ability!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: It took so much time because effort was put into this wad
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder or something
Bugs: This wad has more effort put in it than Terrywads
Rating: (58 votes)
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