Title: ISKP, Institut fuer Strahlen- & Kernphysik der TU Berlin
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/iskp.zip
Size: 47.9 KB
Date: 07/19/95
Author: Goetz Ruprecht, Arnulf Guenther
Description: Monsters invaded our peaceful institute! Kill'em and search the exit! (What more do you want to know?)
Credits: iD, for their great games!!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 5.24 32S
Bugs: Don't know
Rating: (5 votes)
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it's old and it shows, but it's not a bad map, just a little boring.x
The three guys above me are completely right. Including the Wüstenspringmaus. Still, I found this a bit creepy to play. I'm in Berlin and could easily make a visit to this place and see how it looks today, almost 20 years later. So, this map is kind of a time travel. Weird feeling.x
For a 1995 wad not bad, but there are too many of this kind of level (especially graphics)... 2/5x
This is dated July 1995, and hails from the land of lederhosen and the word "wüstenspringmaus" . Like all college / hotel-style levels it suffers from having a lot of small square rooms that you have to explore one after the other. The detailing isn't bad (there are some nice computer consoles) but the gameplay is rote, and the final battle seems very unsatisfying, just one arch-vile versus your plasma gun. The exit is semi-hidden.x
95, not much better than 94, but still and improvement.x

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