Title: The Ivory Tower
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/ivory.zip
Size: 207.35 KB
Date: 08/20/98
Author: Leon Kelz
Description: This single-player-level for DOOM2 tells an enigmatic story. You witness the war between an evil army of SS-soldiers and the demons they created in their blasphemous laboratory while a huge shimmering ivory tower, the symbol of release, rises up on the horizon. There, in the tower's top, you will face your last trial... >>> In addition, this zip-file contains IVORY-DM.WAD, the same level modified for deathmatch play.
Credits: Ben Morris for DCK id Software for the ultimate game
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Some weeks
Editor(s) used: DCK v3.61
Bugs: Level won't save!
Rating: (6 votes)
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Turns out everything Leon makes is a treasurex
start view was awesome overall nice map x
tight supplies at first, but it got funx
In general this is a very average level. It makes the cardinal mistake of having SS troopers in it and although there are 500+ monsters it just feels like a 1995-era level pumped full of baddies. It has a couple of nice design ideas at the start - the opening tunnel is quite spooky, and there's a false perspective trick that gives the impression of a highway going off to a large tower on the horizon. Picks up towards the end but it still feels very old-fashioned and blocky.x
its ok the tecshering is prity good and dizine was allrite the game play was prity good to allthow thair is still room for improvemint x

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