Title: JAVI PIG (you'll see why when you play it).
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/javipig.zip
Size: 9.59 KB
Date: 04/14/96
Author: Pablo Centella
Description: You are playing Doom 2 at night in your home, and suddenly appears Javi annoying you. Then you go to sleep, and you dream that you are in DOOM.
Credits: Id for DOOM I and II, Raphael Quinet for DEU, and all the persons who play-tested this WAD.
Base: Built from scratch.
Build time: A few weeks.
Editor(s) used: DEU II
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)
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Shitty little map that spells out the word "javi pig"; like every map ever made that spells out words, it's no fun to play because it's just a lot of short bendy corridors. Made by "a spanish boy of 13", which arouses all kinds of dirty and probably illegal thoughts in my head.x
ha! i beat it first try! ofcorce i had to run a new gun wad with it first but i still beat it... x

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