Title: Jaws of Destruction
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jawsofdest.zip
Size: 772.68 KB
Date: 12/10/22
Author: finnks13
Description: A vanilla episode, with the goal of trying to make simple maps with easy combat that are still fun, using stock resources only. I would recommend playing in a port that supports sky transfers (i.e. anything that isn't choco doom :P), as they are included to make the levels feel more distinct in places, though all maps are fully compatible with the original exe.

"Doomguy's heading home when he realises he's left his trousers at work. His quest to retrieve his laundry gets a bit out of hand when a demonic invasion occurs at the same time." If you were hoping for more hot lore, then I'm sorry.
Credits: MUSIC: Doomkid Mark Klem Jimmy therektafire Lippeth David Shaw Jeremy Doyle Xulgonoth STILES Cammy Petter Martensen

TESTING: scwiba Dusty_Rhodes
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months, on and off
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Paint, paint.net
Bugs: Small HOMs on Map05, 09 and 10 - shouldn't affect gameplay
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