Title: Housewarming
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jb-house.zip
Size: 66.96 KB
Date: 06/15/99
Author: Joe "Recidivus" Becht
Description: This replica of my own house was made in an attempt to destroy the stereo- type that "all house levels are bad." Ironically enough, the completion of this map marked the news that I'll be moving this summer to another city... which means "I smell sequel!"
Credits: The people who always told me that house levels suck. Without them, I wouldn't have had the urge to prove them wrong.

Also, special thanks to James Joplin, who sent me on my merry way to Doom- nation and expressed intoxicated ex- citement regarding HW's release.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: About a month, month and a half...
Editor(s) used: WadED and WinTex.
Bugs: None at this time.
Rating: (11 votes)
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Great for a house level and good for a vanilla doom 2 level.x
Very quick and very easy, but definitely good for a house level.x
It was pretty good - 'cept for the couch (always suck on house levels)... 3/5x
Tee-hee sucker! Now that you're given me the layout of your house, I can come rob your ass. Classic mistake!x
the only reason whi most houce based levels suck is becaus 90% of them are made by noobs but this houce is prity well made with nice battles and decent level desine 4/5 x
Hey, nice house. I had a great time with this level, something different, but in a good way. :-)x

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