Title: The Recession
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jb-reces.zip
Size: 97.63 KB
Date: 04/02/99
Author: Joe "Recidivus" Becht
Description: I have taken my old Recession levels and combined them into one large map, also revamping the architecture.
Credits: I would like to thank the following people for playtesting this level: Arno, DrCrypt, Quasar, and Warlock. I'd also like to extend gratitude to prower, who always has something good to say regarding my maps; and Chief, a rather inspirational level reviewer.
Base: My old Recession levels.
Build time: About a week for the revamping.
Editor(s) used: WadED, WadAuthor, and WinTex.
Bugs: None at this time.
Rating: (4 votes)
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both maps are good with exciting fights...first one is bigger and better...worth a gox
Two maps dated March/April 1999 (ironically, the height of the dot-com bubble, when the stock market was booming). Map02, which is also in the archive as id=10126, is a trivial 1994-era square thing that looks unfinished, and you can run through it barely touching the 25 mostly weak baddies. Map01 is similar, an aimless 1994 level with a mix of styles, 115 weak baddies. It improves greatly in the final "town" section, but it's too little, too late.x
Oh noooo... this is waaaaay to easy. You don't even need to save the game. Some rooms, with one or two or sometimes even four monsters, but no tricks and traps and anything that would make gameplay interesting. Optically it's boring, too. As good as no details, bare walls everywhere. 1.5/5 -Milianx
starts owt looking like shit but it gets better as you play x

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