Title: Jonesin'
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jonesin.zip
Size: 177.78 KB
Date: 05/13/08
Author: Magicsofa
Description: This is a set of five maps with some emphasis on puzzles and plenty of action. When I set out I decided to shoot for a puzzle oriented wad, but I'm not quite satisfied with the outcome. I decided to release it so I can start fresh next time. NOTE: There is a beserk near the beginning of each level...get it!
Credits: God
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Maybe, two weeks?
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder 1.68 build 385
Bugs: Unknown
Rating: (5 votes)
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It was an okay wad. Not much into puzzles but still managed to get threw. 3/5!-Candle Mx
Wow, what great stuff! I died a lot on lvl 4, and I died 0 times on lvl 5 !! (except when I got stuck in the blocks at the start ;) I think the puzzles and gameplay were really good. The atmosphere you created in your maps reminded me of Doom 2 a fair bit. Spoiler below: lvl 5 had the best use of a cyberdemon I've ever seen. It took me 3 radiation suits to beat it, hurrah! The block challenge at the start of lvl 5 was demonic, but I DID get through it, and as gracefully as the wind!x
The maps looked okay but were to easy. 3/5x

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