Title: JOUST
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/joust.zip
Size: 45.28 KB
Date: 03/02/97
Author: Rick Kautz
Description: This is my first submitted wad to this site, for Doom2 all made from scratch many hours in building, also alot of test playing. I hope you enjoy playing this one!
Credits: Alfred Svoboda for his base frame.
Base: Started from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded and Wad Author
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Actually, you get the double-barrel in this wad, so, yes, it does have a Doom II feature or two. Not a bad piece of combat, although short.x
This is the Doom II version of id=7722. It feels like a deathmatch level - small and four-way symmetrical. It's dull to play because everything is duplicated four times, and there aren't many monsters. Fiddly layout. No Doom II features that I can see. The readme mentions Cyberdemons, but there aren't any, anywhere, on any difficulty level.x
not 2 good but its o.k. x

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