Title: Return to the Exit
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/kgy2.zip
Size: 154.33 KB
Date: 05/18/03
Author: KGy SOFT (György Kõszeg)
Description: You've just reached the exit. But when you try to approach the exit switch... Damn! This quest appears to be longer than you thought.

IMPORTANT: Original KGY2.WAD may *crash* with the Doomsday engine (versions 1.7.8 and above) so make sure you use KGy2_Doomsday.wad with Doomsday.

Demo lumps work correctly only with the original KGY2.WAD. They were recorded by id's DOOM2 engine (version 1.666). The enclosed .BAT files all launch KGY2.WAD, so they can used with DOS DOOM2.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About two weeks
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.42 (original release) WinDEU 5.25 b3 (for Doomsday release)
Bugs: KGY2.WAD: - Sometimes the Cyberdemon's door is opened without triggering it - Doomsday 1.7.x may crash at start (fixed in KGy2_Doomsday.wad) - If you use older Doomsday with glbsp, the final teleport may not work KGy2_Doomsday.wad: - Demo lumps do not work correctly with this file
Rating: (5 votes)
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fun '96 map, but has hidden secrets with weapons etc., played with iddt instead, don't miss ssg in the fireplacex
For a first run (without the automap) this a blast to play, well for me it was. Quite alot of rather mild traps and enough secrets to recover. If you know the map (16 secrets)then there's too much health and ammo. Some parts of the level look nice, other are rather bland. None of the choices you get at the end will kill you but only figured that out by watching the demo. Good 1996 map, coldfusiox
This is from December 1996. It's a mixture of pleasure and pain. The design is crude, with some irritating bits - masses of health and ammo, lots of spurious switch-hunting - but there's a good amount of action and some fun fights, with some creativity. It ends with a multiple-choice teleport that thankfully doesn't kill you (not instantly), and there's an unexpected homage to Wolfenstein. Several unmarked secrets within unmarked secrets, Kelsey Mindfrog.x

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