Title: Kmetl Series
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/kmetl_9.zip
Size: 145.56 KB
Date: 03/10/98
Author: Kurt Kesler
Description: Kmetl_9 is a Shotgun/Chaingun/Rockets level. Yes, you do NEED the Rockets!
Credits: id-software, anyone who still plays DOOM!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A while.
Editor(s) used: Wauthor, Wintex4.3, Lview Pro
Bugs: None known, but there is an area that is huge, may have slow frame rate on computers less than mine, a 486 vesa local bus with an Intel Pentium 83mhz, its just barely jerky. Run it in Real-Mode Dos for more speed.
Rating: (4 votes)
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fun mapx
This is great fun - a techbase / castle level with loads of baddies packed into a fairly small space. It feels like two levels joined together, firstly a compact Quake-style computer base, and then a more expansive castle. The gameplay is fairly easy, because you have loads of rockets, but the action is non-stop. The castle section in particular has a relentless quality that sets it apart. The design is fairly plain, but it's great fun to play.x
now this is my definishin of AWSOME! this is probibly my favrit level out of the wads kurt has made play it and see foryourself 5/5 x

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