Title: Kohe 3
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/kohe3.zip
Size: 32.29 KB
Date: 04/15/07
Author: Ruba
Description: You must destroy the Demon City and escape from alive. You have get shotgun for badguys and then blow those mummasexas up!. This is a fun level in a city, it looks good and it plays good too. I hope you have lotsa fun!
Base: New levels from scratch Editor(s) used Doom Builder Known Bugs The only problem is that the Archie Man will attack the Army Dudes in wood temple!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder Known Bugs The only problem is that the Archie Man will attack the Army Dudes in wood temple!
Bugs: The only problem is that the Archie Man will attack the Army Dudes in wood temple!
Rating: (15 votes)
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Nice little map. 3/5 - Optimusx
This WAD sucks.x
A bit harsh but I have to agree. This deserves to be flushed down the toilet. 0/5x
Prejudice is a bad virtue, sure, but reading the text file I believe the wad is as the contents of the readme - too retarded to be authetntic. Therefor a provocation of a joke wad. Skip it. 1 star because to give it zero would be unfair.x
Too easy.x
A descent level, its difficult, kinda nice looking, and lasts you a while. Overall good job. 4 starsx
Well done Ruba! This is actually a very oldskoolish and very playable map. It's not a masterpiece, but it's easily Ruba's best map so far, so much that I gladly played it to the end. Perhaps a bit less ammo/health will make it more challenging on UV. 3.5/5 -Maesx

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