Title: Minotaur's Maze
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/labdoom2.zip
Size: 34.2 KB
Date: 02/02/04
Author: Eye del Cul
Description: Well, you're again lost in the infernal maze, and alone against the cibernetic mino- taur; that beast who can destroy you with the two arms tied back... Long time ago, Raziel send me a Doom2 version of the Minotaur's Maze. This is a variant with some corrections in textures and light levels; due to, of course, my neglect building the ori- ginal map for Doom1.
Credits: Raziel, for his Doom2 conversion of the Minotaur's Maze. LuisMaiguel, for the idea and the plan in paper.
Base: A drawing in paper from LuisMaiguel. And for this version, the copy that I recei- ved from Raziel.
Build time: About 3-4 hours for the original map for Doom1. I don't know how many time spent Raziel in the first Doom2 version; for the last corrections that I made, before publishing it, about 1/2 hour.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, BSP5.0, REJECT2.1, NWTPRO
Bugs: Known, none... Unless you think that the whole map is a bug!
Rating: (4 votes)
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