Title: Li'l Devil's 3rd Map Remastered
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/lildevil3.zip
Size: 88.79 KB
Date: 12/21/23
Author: Li'l devil
Description: I originally made this map for Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (where it was called "Li'l devil's map"). I decided to update and release it standalone, because the original version had glaring issues (it wasn't possible to get 100% kills, SSG was secret-only, no difficulty settings, etc.). Even worse, the original map was put in map 35 slot despite it being designed for vanilla, which caused sky and music to be swapped if you tried to play it on Crispy (or anything non-ZDoom probably). Anyway, the map name refers to it being the 3rd map I ever finished. The music on the map is cblood10.mid from Blood.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2016/09/23 - 2016/10/13; 2023/12/20
Editor(s) used: GZDB/UDB, Slade
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