Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/longwad2.zip
Size: 471.21 KB
Date: 06/08/08
Author: Steve W. Long
Description: Large wads, heavy detail, see-through doors, bowling alley, windows that open, doors that 'swing' open like real ones, a keyless level, more street fighting, lots of close qrtr fights..good stuff.

Tunnels of Love (31.WAD): Illusions of swinging doors, impassable cages opening, sectors changing from 20% health loss to harmless at the flick of a switch, while you explore an underground mine rail system, a health restoring light beam, and more.
Base: All New Levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded (THANKS Mathew Ayers)
Bugs: Need play
Rating: (10 votes)
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fuckin cool '97 episode with eternal doom style gameplayx
Meh... Not very impressive. 2/5x
Long wad is long!x
this one is a old-school wad from 1996. You're noticed.... whatever 31.wad is a sexy map so I'll give just for that one 2.9 stars.x
The level design is quite bad and the areas are forgettable. Just take the starting level to illustrate what I mean... that rising elavater was a one-way trip to disaffecting everyone who wanted to have a good time. Confused pathways, dull battles... can be much better.x
No thanks...x

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