Title: Luna AI
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/lunaai.zip
Size: 430.18 KB
Date: 05/19/18
Author: Philip "Liberation" Brown
Description: Luna AI is a prequel to the events in Doom 2.

The demons have corrupted the AI that controls the orbital defense weapons surrounding earth. You and your marine buddies head to the moon to shut the AI down, upon landing everything goes to hell. Its down to you to shut the AI down and pave the way for the liberation of Earth.

Luna AI is a single vanilla compatible map with a few extra features, including a different use for the commander keens (blow them up), 2 new monsters and a finish that ends in a bang.

A dehacked patch is included externally and as a lump. Make sure this is running before playing!
Credits: Mechadon for his sky texture. 3d Realms for some sprites. 40oz, Fonze, Steve D and Khorus for testing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 weeks
Editor(s) used: Slade 3
Bugs: One area has a seg overload, however you have to be doing something slightly daft and you probably wouldnt notice anyway.
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