Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/marduk2.zip
Size: 66.69 KB
Date: 03/06/00
Author: Patrik Höglund
Description: The story aint complicated. Get the blue skull key and escape. That ought to be easy, you think, but when that f***** key always seem to escape your grasp, things get more complicated. That's good, because you want a challenge, eh? Thought so. That is the so called story, but who needs a story anyway? This is Doom II, remember.

And now, a little note for all zdoomers out there. If you intend play this level, it is recommended that you turn of jumping. The level is designed for people who don't jump, so to speak. It will work decently with jumping, but it won't be any funnier, believe me.
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Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62
Rating: (4 votes)
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Getsu Fune
a lot better than the first, better combat and design.x
Excellent level with cool lighting and satisfying combat. Uses high tier monsters almost exclusively, plus lots of modern style "bars close behind you" traps. A bit too much HP by modern standards but that's easily forgivable. Btw you can grab the blue key at the very start pretty easily. :)x
better than marduck 1, and harder as well x

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