Title: MBunk2.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mbunk2.zip
Size: 39.96 KB
Date: 07/21/07
Author: Dan Ferro
Description: Multiplayer map, can be played in single player mode (A LOT of monsters are in there for four player co-op). It's a big bunker in the middle of four smaller ones.

MBunk2 adds some improvements after a lot of playtesting by me.
Base: From scratch Editor(s) used DoomCAD 6.1 Known Bugs None
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1 Known Bugs None
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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at first i thaugt it was the same dam thing as MBunk1, but it has won suprise near the end that 1 didint! 4/5 Megatron x
I slightly harder version of this. The revenants don't make it more fun though but had quite a hard time running around the base with all the projectiles following me and managed to beat them. 3/5 - Optimusx
You start in one of the smaller bunkers armed with a shotgun. Between those bunkers there's an open field with lots of zombiemen In the middle there's the big bunker. In that bunker you'll find 2 keys, weapons. It's the weakest part of the level, design and action there isn't great. Once you're in the open area again you'll have to reach the big bunker again. But demons and archviles will be standing in your way. That isn't bad but once you're inside the bunker, it becomes easy. 3.5/5 coldfusiox

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