Title: Mine Camp
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/minecamp.zip
Size: 124.53 KB
Date: 07/25/09
Author: Parallax
Description: Single/Co-Op level where players battle through a mine.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)
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Worth playing. If it's the last map on earth. Not as bad as the worst here, generally is playable, but dull as Sunday shool.x
short and quite action packed retro maps design is mostly random with lots of secrets...decent for 96 x
cool wad from '96x
Okay stuff. Looks a little bit like some 1996 style stuff but ok. x
Although the maps suffer from quite a few superficial flaws, the gameplay was pretty solid. Some of the maps had a surreal feel to them, especially the first half of the last map. Also, the flow was very open-ended with many secrets and optional areas. Fun to explore! I would love to see a modern remake of this wad. **** -EarthQuakex
Man, that was a piece of shit. It's short, easy, lame, it felt like I was scraping the top of my head on the ceiling everywhere and just all around pointless. Avoid.-GreazyShortsx

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