Title: Miskatonic Trip
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/misktrip.zip
Size: 510.22 KB
Date: 12/20/17
Author: Dalvi Dandy
Description: This is a five level mini-episode for Doom 2, Map01,02,04,05 are made from scratch except Map03 which is one I have made before but I didn't release it.

Miskatonic Trip: You have been called in the middle of the night to do some Demon-cleansing in some UAC base located closer to your neighborhood. You will have to travel right there on your own and taking down any demon opposition along your way.
Credits: Id Software - Bobby Prince Monolith for the game Blood, the textures and some unused tracks of the game. 3D Realms - Lee Jackson
Base: located closer to your neighborhood. You will have to travel right there on your own and taking down any demon opposition along your way.
Build time: Various months
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder bugfix, Slade3
Bugs: Probably some misaligned textures
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