Title: Mall of Mayhem
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mmayhem.zip
Size: 1.78 MB
Date: 11/04/08
Author: theSil3ncer
Description: The first of my *completed* abominations released to the public. Was supposed to be a Halloween special, but I find election days MUCH more scarier...


Just as you where about to take your much deserved vacation, you receive a distress call from UAC, another alien invasion, hmm... You can barely make out what the operator is saying, so you press your finger against your earpiece, hoping to at least capture some of what he's saying. The man's voice sounds a bit frantic. You reminisce on the last alien invasion and wonder why this guy is so worried. Until you hear that this time, the aliens have invaded the local mall. Several civilians are killed. Well, you're always cleaning up peoples mess, so you might as well clean this one up...

Ending: This is DOOM, but hey, let's provide an ending story:

Upon discovering the portal that the inhabitants of hell used to invade the local mall, you decide to seal it off. You can only hold these demons back for so long. Plus, backup should've arrived by now. As you wait for what seems like an eternity, you decide that it's time to take matters into your own hands. You reach for your lucky grenade and toss it into the portal, destroying it. Hopefully that should do it. Now, as for the employees responsible for this carnage that damn near cost you your life, well, they are in hell, they wanted it that way anyway. But from now on, you decide that you will begin a boycott against that particular shop.
Credits: Whoever I might have stolen any resources from... Also:

ID Software for DOOM 2, of course Willisting Consulting Olivier Montanuy Makers of: BSP 3.0 XWE TCOUNT Various fonts I used.

Ex inferis for his sporadic episodes of encouragement and play testing
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Years (Since October 2006), on and mostly off
Editor(s) used: Wad Author, Wintex, XWE, MSPaint, Paint Shop Pro 3, PrimoPDF.
Bugs: A few HOMs here and there
Rating: (41 votes)
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