Title: The Moonbase
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/modmnbse.zip
Size: 82.62 KB
Date: 08/03/04
Author: MasterOFDeath
Description: In recent months, the UAC has gotten into serious space exploration. Recently, they established a small base on a moon of a planet in a nearby solar system. You were stationed at the brand new base as a guard. you arrive at the base to hear a haunting silence, somehting like you have heard before...

This level was orginally just me toying around in a editor out of boredom, then I decided to make it a serious map. It is rather hard in singleplayer, but should be great fun in coop.
Credits: ID Software, the utility authors
Base: New from scratch
Build time: about 4 or 5 days
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor, Doom Builder, WinTex, BSP, GLBSP
Bugs: none
Rating: (9 votes)
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i found this map very classy.made for speedruning ammo plus fists action..dont let neg reviews deceive you,go play it x
This is from August 2004, although it looks and feels ten years older. It's a short, simple level, not bad fun to play although very tight on the ammo (it helps if you make the monsters in the first room infight). I assumed from the low score that it was a novelty level, but it's not, it's just very old-fashioned and unspectacular. If it really was from 1994 it would warrant two and a half stars, but as it stands it's just meh.x
What ^^ said. Keeping the player at 0 ammo and forcing Tyson play, spectres in a very dark room, empty rooms. 1/5 - Belialx
Very boring, no gameplay and absolutely no detail! Learn to map or leave it to those who are skilled and produce better work!x

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