Title: The Monastery
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/monaster.zip
Size: 251.25 KB
Date: 03/18/95
Author: Dominique Lavergne
Description: By the year 2109, as a member of a small group of rebels, you help your friends to struggle against Hell Order squads. But, unfortunately, forces are unequal and many of your friends are dying. Rebelion Chiefs decided to send you back to Middle Ages to find a solution. At this time, Hell Order squads were not so numerous. In fact, it was the begining of their infiltration and they just started to manipulate influent people like lords, clerics and kings. So, your mission is to go back there and to eliminate all Hell Order agents you'll find. It will not be a funny trip, keep in mind that trick and strategy are your best allies. Try to avoid as possible as you can frontal assaults to complete your mission.

Your friends' and Earth's Future depends on you, don't desappoint them.
Credits: Id Software for creating such great games All of you who create such great tools
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: I can't remember.
Editor(s) used: WADED, DEUTEX, WINTEX
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (5 votes)
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Too much ammo and health can make even the most creative wads boring. Make me sweat a *little*, OK please? :-)x
I enjoyed this. It has a lot of replacement textures that give it a Hexen look, although the design is crude in places (the author doesn't line up the teleport pads, for example). There's loads of health and ammo and lots of monsters, too, and the design and puzzles are surprisingly intricate for early 1995. The author has several other levels in the archive although he is forgotten nowadays.x

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