Title: The D.Y.E. Chronicles, MOROS
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/moros.zip
Size: 690.74 KB
Date: 07/01/06
Author: T.L. "Korruptor" Wilson, Jr.
Description: A five map custom wad of reoccurring theme, made up of a collection of my very first Doom2 levels. Each map offer’s a varying challenge depending upon the skill level of choice. Aside from the theme, an added sense of realism is implanted into MOROS. Ranging from chairs and tables that make up Officer Cafeteria’s and Lounges to a Communications Station.
Credits: ID Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Eight months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.6.8, Photoshop CS 2, WinTex 5.0
Bugs: -
Rating: (12 votes)
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What the person above me means,is it's boring as hell.x
5 levels based on very simple map layout, way too much copy-and-paste work, and too many other design flaws. Gameplay looks copied from an early 1994 training map, it's about that poor in all aspects. 1* for the effort. BTW @ Jive above: you're wrong, it's not the lack of skills, the maps are not even half as difficult as you suggest, but it's awful simplicitly is not of these times anymore.x
"Imagine fighting 35 Hellknights with a shotgun or something in smaller rooms."?!? LOL !!! "The player's arsenal is low powered"?!? Muhahaha!!! You understood nothing at all about how to play Doom, guys... Do you have a brain? Yes, it's hard, and obviously, you don't have the skill for such pwads. 4/5 - Jivex
A charming set; the architecture (reminiscent of DOOM's E1 on a larger scale), the lighting, and the music give it an absorbing mood. It does suffer somewhat in regards to playability, though. Mostly because health is distributed unevenly, but in the earlier levels also because the player's arsenal is low powered and there are many enemies. Best played at "Hurt me plenty". [3/5] ~Chain Mailx
Too sterile, too much copy & paste (same elements on all levels, this is basically ok to do but here it is done too often), too many doors non working, idiotic amounts of ammo eating monsters in one crowd and way to few ammo. Unbalanced. Imagine fighting 35 Hellknights with a shotgun or something in smaller rooms. x
This wad would be ok without the first three nooblevels(map1-3). 2/5x

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