Title: MURDER2.WAD (February 1997)
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/murder2.zip
Size: 78.48 KB
Date: 08/09/99
Author: Mark Veronese
Description: This is my second Wad to date, and made for DOOM2. Lots of tricks & surprises for everyone. Can be a little tough in some places, but remember, this level can be completed without cheating!. So use your ammo carefully!
Base: Scratch
Build time: Approx 2 months!
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)
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very good....texture usage and final battle can be improved...apart that a solid map..x
It's pretty good... textures are kinda repetitive but the gameplay and the looking of the map aren't bad however. There are also some nice tricks here and there. Try it. 3/5x
This is dated February 1997. It gets off to a poor start, with an awkward first room, and then gets worse with an unintuitive pyramid that you have to climb, and in fact the whole level feels awkward and obtuse. It's an ugly-looking techbase with a grey stone theme, with an outdoors bit at the end, and 159 mostly weak monsters. It has an ammo shortage, inescapable traps, and a switchhunty style that irritated me.x
The best map I've played in some time. 5/5 stars.x

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