Title: Cyber Fun :)
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mycyber.zip
Size: 4.67 KB
Date: 11/25/98
Author: Dimiter Todorov Georgiev
Description: Just a funny idea that came to me one day :)
Credits: id
Base: New level from scratch - sort of :)))
Build time:
Editor(s) used: off, don't remember :)))
Bugs: Nope, none
Rating: (3 votes)
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Interesting and fun. But nothing terribly good. It's mostly a matter of luck. 3/5x
You start off in a tiny room, and then you teleport into a cage where you are surrounded by cyberdemons and other nasties, although there's a lot of health and ammo too. It's surprisingly entertaining - I managed to fluke my way to the exit. There are a couple of strategies you can use (the layout of the trigger lines means that you can spoof the cage door). There's a secret in the NW corner that you'd never get without looking at the map.x
WOO-HOO nice map there, just a little bit too easy with the bfg9000, it should be a plasma gun or a rocket launcher. 4/5 - pretty darn goodx

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