Title: Nemesis
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nemesis.zip
Size: 60.22 KB
Date: 07/22/95
Author: Simon Fawcett
Description: This level is a bit like 'Downtown' from Doom 2, but not half as big. There are 7 buildings in Mortal full of killing to be done. There are lots of secrets around and about which will help you greatly if you wish to find them. Please send any recordings to me at the above. Have fun!!!
Build time: About 129,546,097.165 seconds.
Editor(s) used: DCK2.2
Bugs: Hmm. Let me think... ( tell me if you find any)
Rating: (1 vote)
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June 1995. You fight 275 baddies in a town-style level. As the readme points out, it's smaller than Downtown, but there's a greater density of monsters, which is a good thing. The detailing and layout are simple and square, but the fact you fight a lot of baddies in a packed space makes it entertaining; health and ammo are well-judged although it's not very hard. A couple of secrets are unguessable but overall it's good fun.x

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