Title: No Demon Left Alive
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nodemon.zip
Size: 99.53 KB
Date: 11/06/16
Author: theSil3ncer
Description: Once again, I intended to release this as a Halloween special, but I find election days to be *MUCH* scarier (especially this one)...

The idea for the No Demon Left Alive was conceived back in 2008, and was supposed to have been delivered early 2009, but unfortunately, I'm a chronic procrastinator. It was revived when one day, when, for kicks and giggles I turned on the TV to check out the political scene, and it became clear as day that we're DOOMED. So in light of our bleak situation, I'm releasing this wad...


Story: ------

After cleaning out the moon base, you make an attempt for the teleporter and expect to be on your way to safety. Unfortunately, you were overwhelmed by hell spawns. Damn near death, you discover a few of your marine buddies that had survived the initial invasion. With more marines at your disposal, you all go off to a vessel that was recently repaired, in hopes of making it off the moon base in one piece. In mid-flight, the vessel goes haywire, and the captain attempts an emergency landing on a nearby celestial body. As the vessel hits, it disintegrates and many of you are killed. You sustain a minor concussion, lucky you... As you recover, you gaze into the distance. It looks like you've inadvertently discovered the lost moon base, which now hosts a lost colony of demons With almost no ammo, an apparently no way off the moon base, you wonder: can thing get any worse?? Well, they know you're here...
Credits: Whomever I might have lifted any resources from, Also the usual:

ID Software for Doom/Doom 2 Willisting Consulting Olivier Montanuy

Makers of:

DOOM Font Chiller LET Font GIMP Slade3
Base: New from scratch
Build time: In total, about a month, then rushed out the door...
Editor(s) used: Slade3, Wadauthor, Wintex, GIMP, MS paint, Libreoffice
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)
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There's a chaingun in the first part of the map. x
This is a Tyson map with only demons and lost souls and lots of damaging floors. It's short and to the point with continuous, straight-forward action. Visuals are very basic and worse than in Doom 2 IWAD, but somehow they don't detract that much. 3* because this map is playable for reasons I don't understand.x
walter confalonieri
Introduction of this map is horrible, but after you pass it the level becomes nicer. Have's lot of inspiration from doom episode 3 and some nice trick here and there...x

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