Title: NO Way No How are you going to make it out alive.
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/noway.zip
Size: 46 KB
Date: 04/23/05
Author: Eric Varner
Description: You have just been assigned to the Red Dog recon patrol, Your mission is to beem in and help wipe out anything that moves and secure the area. Only one thing they didn't tell you. You are going in alone. They know you are the best at your job and you know you are the best but it might not be enough to survive. No one has heard from anyone else from the recon patrol in over 12 hours. With a farewell look and a pat on the back you close your eyes and ......
Credits: My wife, who came up with the floor plan. My brother and all the doomers at Georgia Power for play testing after hours. The awsome doomers at Id!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: deu2, BSP
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Nop, 1_ idclip is not really necessary. 2_ There is enough rockets.x
Once again no design, good gameplay, 1 idclip needed and not enough rockets to kill romero. 1/5 - Belialx
stop this wads updated in 1994. Meaning-old piece of shit!x
J'aime le style mais aurais pu être plus difficile.x

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