Title: Oasis of Death
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/oasis.zip
Size: 845.43 KB
Date: 09/07/96
Author: Keith Hickman
Description: Built for Doom2 v1.9
Credits: id for Doom2 Olivier Montanuy for Wintex 4.1 Matt Tagliaferri for DoomCAD 6.1 Jack Vermeulen for DeeP 7.5 node builder Jens Hykkelbjerg for Reject Map Builder Glen Payne(I,Anubus) for the Brick Arch texture.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Est.60 hrs
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, Deep 7.5 for Nodes,RMB for reject map Wintex 4.1 for additional graphics,
Bugs: None I can find
Rating: (6 votes)
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Starts of decent, with a bit of action, but quickly becomes an easy borefest, due to running around a lot in the open and having way too much ammo, which eliminates most of the challenge.x
it's squadron.wad map08x
A decent early level from almost ten years ago. It's large and sprawling, with a docks-type feel, but it's very easy to get lost after the first phase of killing everything out in the open. The author describes the oasis as "a structure in the distance surrounded by water". Unless he is using the word oasis metaphorically, he seems to have confused an oasis with an island. There are lots of dodgy sounds, some dodgy texturing.x

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